Ruby on Rails: Detailed Guide with Extensive Code Examples
├── Introduction
│   └── Overview of Ruby on Rails
├── Setting Up and Configuration
│   ├── Installation
│   ├── Project Setup
│   └── Database Configuration
├── Core Features of Rails
│   ├── Models and Database Migrations
│   ├── Views and Layouts
│   ├── Controllers and Routing
│   └── Asset Pipeline
├── Advanced Rails Concepts
│   ├── RESTful Resource Routing
│   ├── Active Record Query Interface
│   ├── Action Mailer
│   └── Rails Security Best Practices
├── Comprehensive Implementation Examples
│   ├── Creating a Blog Application
│   ├── User Authentication System
│   ├── Implementing AJAX in Rails
│   └── API Development with Rails
└── Conclusion
    └── Rails in Modern Web Application Development

1. Introduction

Overview of Ruby on Rails

2. Setting Up and Configuration


gem install rails

Project Setup

rails new blog_app
cd blog_app

Database Configuration

# in config/database.yml
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/development.sqlite3

3. Core Features of Rails

Models and Database Migrations

# Generating a new model
rails generate model Article title:string body:text

# Migrating the database
rails db:migrate

Views and Layouts